trisomy 21

When JoJo was born I didn’t think I’d ever be happy again. Man, was I crazy! This little human has changed everything about me. Every day is amazing. I started journalling when she was born, so you’ll be reading the ‘live feed’. Never underestimate a person with Down syndrome. The best is yet to come!
Chapter 33: There She Goes, Miss America

Chapter 33: There She Goes, Miss America

I suppose every little girl dreams about being Miss America. The glamour, the glitz, the free trips to Disney World - who wouldn't want all of that, right? I think the answer to that question is: every little girl in America except for JoJo. At this point in her life...

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Chapter 32: Mean Girls

Chapter 32: Mean Girls

When JoJo was about eight years old I found myself in an unusual situation. Up until this point I never had to worry about babysitters, after school care, or anything else that required someone other than myself to “watch her” for a few hours, or even all day for that...

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Chapter 31: The Preschool Breakfast Club

Chapter 31: The Preschool Breakfast Club

Being the new kid at school isn’t easy, and for the last two years, JoJo had been the new kid twice. Of course, it’s just kindergarten, so there aren’t any mean girls yet (you’ll hear about that in another story), and the boys don’t mind playing with the girls at...

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Chapter 30: Valentine’s Cookies

Chapter 30: Valentine’s Cookies

Valentine's Day usually comes and goes for me. Restaurants are always crowded and it has always been just as fun to me to stay at home and cook something really good for dinner. This year I'm on a guilt trip. You know those moms who always come up with cutest ideas...

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Chapter 29: Alarming Statistics

Chapter 29: Alarming Statistics

I heard an alarming statistic today. Ninety percent (90%) of pregnant mothers who find out that they're pregnant with a child with Down syndrome choose to end the pregnancy. It made me want to throw up. I'm going to figure out a way to have JoJo in every OB clinic in...

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Chapter 28: When Mama’s Not Around

Chapter 28: When Mama’s Not Around

My favorite Looney Tunes episode is when the dancing frog dances in front of his owner, but as soon as his owner puts him on stage, he just "ribbits". I know the feeling. Except in the opposite way. JoJo's preschool years have been an incredible adventure (you'll...

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Chapter 27: No Ordinary Family

Chapter 27: No Ordinary Family

I rarely ever get caught up in a TV show or in anything Hollywood, but on this day, my attention was drawn to the thirty second ad on ABC. The ad was about a contest that ABC was holding for a search for American's most extraordinary family. The winner got a free, all...

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Chapter 24: The Olympic Medal

Chapter 24: The Olympic Medal

I used to have this recurring dream where I'm crossing the finish line in 100,000,000 meter race at the Olympics pushing a stroller with a child with Down syndrome in it representing my country and all of mankind in the most grueling of events. At the line I thank...

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Chapter 23: Dog or Cat Person?

Chapter 23: Dog or Cat Person?

Some say that you can tell a lot about a person from their pet. There are even phycological tests that are given where your answer to "are you a dog person or a cat person" shape your entire personality profile. Basically, when I'm asked that question my answer is...

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Chapter 22: Anybody Up for Some Ancient Ruin Climbing?

Chapter 22: Anybody Up for Some Ancient Ruin Climbing?

This sitting around waiting for delicate hearts (literally) to heal and moderate lifestyle living was for the birds. I have never in my life stopped everything for any reason at all, so we as a family were about to step it up a notch and resume life as normal. I have...

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Chapter 21: The Blindside

Chapter 21: The Blindside

A couple of years ago, the Oscar winning movie The Blindside hit the theaters. It was especially interesting to us Mississippians because it is centered around a Mississippi university and is a real story about a high risk child being rescued from a destructive life....

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Chapter 20: The R Word

Chapter 20: The R Word

It's only a month from JoJo's fifth birthday. I'm a little nervous about this one. Up until now, our kids have basically been babies, but now they're talking, forming little overnight groups, and the central discussion of just about every conversation between parents...

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Chapter 19: Our Baby has Super Powers

Chapter 19: Our Baby has Super Powers

It took a couple of months for JoJo to completely recover from the open heart surgery. There were stitches (more like wires) from her belly almost to her neck and we were in and out of the cardiologist's office at least once a week for echograms. Everything was...

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Chapter 18: John

Chapter 18: John

My favorite people in the world are those people who don't know how important they are. They just live their lives, make do, and don't have an agenda. That's how my friend John was. When I was in high school there was a boy a year older than me named John Lewis. He...

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